NCDXA - A club with heritage, experience and proven performance
in leading the way for DXers since 1972

National Capitol DX Association's

NCDXA Sponsored DX Awards

NCDXA Award types
The President of NCDXA has the authority to establish award committee(s) to evaluate and issue the following award types each year:

  • DX-Pedition of the Year
  • DXer of the Year
  • Special Service Award; Individual or Group Special Recognition

DX-Pedition of the Year - For a calendar year starting January 1 thru December 31, the award committee will evaluate various worthy dx-peditions for overall achievement and success, level of importance, complexity, uniqueness, rarity of the dx country or entity they activated and other factors such as project goodwill, mentoring and charity efforts accomplished as part of the DX-pedition.

DXer of the Year - For a calendar year starting January 1 thru December 31, the award committee will evaluate club members and others in the DX community for a significant or special accomplishment(s) in the area of DXing.

Special Service Award; Individual or Group Special Recognition - For a calendar year starting January 1 thru December 31, the award committee will evaluate individuals or groups for special recognition. Special recognition of a DXer or DX Group who have made significant and lasting contributions to the DX community and/or to the Association.

NCDXA 2011 Awards

Dr. Hrane Milosevic, (YT1AD)
DX-Pedition of the Year Award 2011; Leadership & Youth Development
For Excellence in DX-Pedition Leadership, Team Work and Operational Effectiveness:

3D2R- Rotuma Island – October 2011; Outstanding DX-Pedition Operation and Amateur Radio Youth Development Program with Rotuma High School

Sid May – ET3SID
DXer of the Year 2011
Recognized for individual effectiveness, abilities and contributions to the DX Community; Exceeding expectations as Mentor and providing effective Youth Development Leadership at ET3AA

Brian Bayus - N1KC
President’s Special Achievement Award 2011
Recognized for Special Achievement:
Commitment for supporting our Club in numerous positions since 1995

Fred Laun – K3ZO
President’s Special Achievement Award 2011
Recognized for Special Achievement:

Commitment for supporting our Club in numerous positions and endless hours of dedication to QSL Bureau and Amateur Radio related activities

President’s Special Achievement Award 2011
Donald Search – W3AZD
Recognized for Special Achievement:

Commitment for supporting our Club in numerous positions since 1972 and endless dedication to the Amateur Radio Community for over 45 years

President’s Special Achievement Award 2011
Hope Smith – WB3ANE
Recognized for Special Achievement:

Commitment for supporting our Club and other Amateur Radio events since 1972

President’s Special Achievement Award 2011
Richard Maylott – W2YE
Recognized for Special Achievement:
Commitment for supporting our Club in numerous positions including President for 7 years